A Wake Up Call
To all Romans 13 Christians

By a police officer

FORWARD, by Pilgrim:

If you have read our other Romans 13 articles and still do not believe what is presented, here is something further for you to read.
Even though this article comes to us much in the same way the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion did, just like the protocols it matters not who wrote it, but the content has proven to be true.

Myself, and dozens of others who i have known through the years, can indeed attest that the law enforcement and judicial offices throughout America exhibit this very religion spoken of in this article. There is no longer a preponderance of officers and judges in this land who exhibit morals based on scripture or Godly conscience, but in fact are in a fast dwindling minority, as this religion is sweeping rapidly through the land.

Do you still believe in total submission to the Satanic beliefs and practices of those that have taken over the government offices throughout America?

The following article was transcribed by Bob Smith for original posting on the Southern Maryland Christian Information Service Computer BBS operated by Buggs Bugnon. It has been posted, with permission, from the January - February issue of the Midnight Messenger.
The Midnight Messenger is a periodical which in my opinion best strikes at the root cause of the frustration we patriots feel with the direction our nation is headed these days. Namely this is the official government disdain for and institutionalized persecution of Christianity and God's Word. The essence of which, is best consolidated under the umbrella of the drive for a "NEW WORLD ORDER"!

Begin Quote:

The article that follows is the text of a speech delivered by a Police Chief in the United States of America. The Chief later sent a copy to the police-oriented publication, Aid and Abet. Aid and Abet publisher Police Officer Jack McLamb (Retired) assures us of it's authenticity.
Although the concepts expressed herein may be totally repugnant to you, our readers, we at Midnight Messenger believe that a knowledge and understanding of them is a "must." We believe that what the Chief says is a plain statement of "how it really is" in the United States today.
As stated at the conclusion of the article, the writer has used a pseudonym because he does not wish to make himself known at this time.

The following is a letter from Police Chief Rupert Orpheus:
To the question of, "Do some judges, prosecutors and police officers today commit dishonest acts to put criminals away?" I answer an unequivocal, Yes! But it is hoped that it is not done without just cause. True immorality exists only when the cause is not just.
After more than 20 years of service to my fellow Americans I realize what reality is. The truth is that today many judges, attorneys, police officials and officers are devotees of the religion of Secular Humanism (S.H.), myself included.
Some of our members (mainly out of fear) will not admit that S.H. is a religion. They are apprehensive that we may be treated as the so called "Christians" have been treated under the doctrine of Separation of Church and State. Such fear might be well founded if this were 15 to 20 years ago. Not so today. Reason being, colleagues of our faith are, for the most part, in control of the agencies and organizations, such as the ACLU, ABA, Justice Department etc., that would normally protest such cases. Although this may at first seem unfair, it is not. But allow me to proceed, and I believe you will come to full understanding of this and many other important facts.
My feelings are that it is time we shepherds open the eyes of our flock and further sort out those we cannot take with us into the 21st. century. Any that would deny that our religion of S.H. is not a valid religion should do their homework. The Supreme Court decided that it is a religion some years ago in the Torcaso vs Abington, Abington vs Schempp, and in Torcaso vs Watkins cases. According to the High Court, it is "...belief, not creed, or cult which appears to be the essence of religion." It further explains that, "...belief refers to some sort of universal view of life, of the world of mankind - a belief that is held to be true about mankind." In essence the Supreme Court said that one's religion can be "...any world view with or without reference to GOD, theistic or non-theistic in nature". I hope this helps others to understand our Faith. However, this of course is not the main point of my speech.

I wish to address the abuse of Police Officers who ascribe, knowingly or unknowingly, to the moral tenets of our religion in regards to ethics and morals. Nationwide our devotees are enduring horrible discrimination at the hands of a very hypocritical faction of society, the Christians. This discrimination comes as we Humanists exercise our own religious beliefs and apply our morals "on the job", so to speak. Yet, other officers may apply their own individual belief systems (morals and ethics) at will, without any condemnation. This is undeniable discrimination!
Fortunately, our religion is the fastest growing of any in all of history and many of the younger generation within the criminal justice system, including police officers, who ascribe to sound Secular Humanist principals are now in management which is of benefit to all. This does give us sway power, and is a plus for our side. Still, there is far too much discrimination against those who would apply a most important principle of our religion -- "Situation Ethics".
The principal of Situation Ethics allows the individual to focus correctly on only the goal to be accomplished. Morally speaking, little if any consideration need be given to the method or means, as nothing else supersedes its importance. Of course concern is given to finding a means of accomplishing a task or goal, so as to have the least negative impact on the least amount of our people.
In my youth I recall hearing the great Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi describe it this way: "Winning is not everything; it is the only thing." Much of our society lives by this principal today. Yes, even many of those who "profess other faiths" and occupy pulpits throughout America. Personally, I think the principle of Situation Ethics is best described by examining the legal definition of ethics and morals given by our now compatriots, the Communists. The Communist definition is: "EVERYTHING is ethical and moral as long as it promotes World Communism." This is pure Secular Humanism. We can learn much, incidentally, about total commitment from the Communists. The Marxists have, out of pragmatic necessity, expurgated a minimum of 90 million people in the pursuit of man's noblest mission -- world peace. What intelligent person could call "immoral" any means used to accomplish this all important goal?
In our great Humanist Manifesto signed in 1933 and 1973, we explain our moral creed which is very much the same as the Marxist creed, yet set forth in much more palatable and tactful terms. Here is a brief summation of our beliefs regarding Ethics and Truth:

"Moral values derive their source from human experience. Ethics is autonomous and situational, needing no theological or ideological sanction. Ethics stems from human need and interest. To deny this distorts the whole basis of life... We strive for the good life, here and now." -- Humanist Manifesto II, 1973.

"We reject those features of traditional religious morality that deny humans a full appreciation of their own potentialities and responsibilities. Traditional religions often offer solace to humans, but, as often, they inhibit humans from helping themselves or experiencing their full potentialities... We can discover no divine purpose or providence for the human species... Humans are responsible for what we are or will become. No deity will save us: we must save ourselves." -- Humanist Manifesto II, 1973.
After 20 plus years of conditioning, our society now largely subscribes to this philosophy. Some of you who practice "selective" Christianity are closer to our faith than to the superstitions of the Bible Thumpers of old. (In selective Christianity, of course, you choose to believe in, and discard the parts that are not convenient.) Don't you see that in this we are just alike? Your "faith" is actually based on what is right under man's desire. We Humanists are in fact more honest. We admit that there is no God -- that it is only Man's desires that are important. You leaders of these "selective Christians" preach that your faith is based on some parts of "God's Law" but, in actuality the majority is based on what feels good or is convenient.
Quite obviously, America's government now operates under the guiding principles of Humanism. Deception, lying, cheating, stealing, killing is all moral if it promotes the attainment of our essential goals. This is true righteousness. A prime example can be seen in the recent war against Iraq. Over 250,000 have lost their lives so far, and more are dying every day -- all for the attainment of a higher good, the goal of our great Humanist leaders: WORLD PEACE through World Government.
This New Age teaching is the reason why, for example, a police officer (one of Secular Humanist persuasion) is likely to risk his very life to save a member of society one moment and the very next moment take the witness stand and lie in order to win an important case. This is not to be considered immoral, given the particular standard of ethics upon which such an officer bases his morality -- namely, that the end justifies any means. (In other words again, the "Higher Good" principle!) Many people still do not understand this. They don't understand that this is why our presidents and their staffs, members of Congress and hosts of others with leadership roles in America -- lawyers, judges, etc. -- lie and cheat right along side our dedicated humanist Law Enforcers. To repeat, all for the greater good of society, i.e. the system.
What the Masses must be made to understand, and never be allowed to forget, is that this is for their own good. They should know by now that those who are actually in control of our government (as Col. Oliver North explained) truly know what is best for the people. They must also know that under the New World Order, the Justice System's primary mission will be to protect the system from the masses. It is precisely in view of this that we on the inside have been obligated all along to use the system to suppress dissenters as quickly as possible -- before any radical Anti-World Government, Anti-Humanist group can gain the upper hand.
You're aware of course, that the vast majority of Americans seek only peace and security. They hardly even realize that they have virtually made government their new god, to which they turn for the fulfillment of every need. Our New Age leaders (and we soldiers as their "arms and legs") stand ready to give the Masses all for which they pray.
Let me repeat: Our job within the Criminal Justice system today is to protect the PLAN, the SYSTEM, and punish those that our leaders decide are enemies of that System. Of course now, as with our Soviet colleagues, under New Age Humanist Situation Ethics, we are not limited in the methods we may apply to win. We can therefore proceed with unobstructed haste to make the masses safe and peaceful.
Let's look again at our example of that police officer who routinely risks his life for others and yet will lie on the witness stand to help his government win some case in court. If some of you are still surprised at this then perhaps you haven't understood what I have been trying to convey. Nor have you understood what your children have learned so well over the last 20 years within the government school system.
It is that we are living in a new age where man has wisely placed his trust in government instead of some superstition called the divine or God. It is the old religious morals that have caused all of our problems. A new age calls for a new belief system, a new moral code, a new religion. It is exciting to see most all of the religions of the world coming nicely together, united in preparation to serve the New World Order. We must all dedicate ourselves to obeying our leaders without question and to the instruction of succeeding generations toward our utopian goals of World Peace.
I would like to introduce you to one present-day scholar Dr. Sidney Simon, who has been very effective, and deserving of much credit for his efforts in this work of re-educating humanity. He speaks plainly and his meaning is unmistakable, as when he says:
"We do not need any more preaching about right and wrong. The old 'thou shalt nots' simply are not relevant." He goes on to explain to the child educators he is addressing that "values clarification" is a method for teachers to change the values of children 'without getting caught'. (Values Clarification is another term for situation Ethics).
A book in use by our educators called, Weep For Our Children, spells out "values clarification" as part of the new morality.
"It's OK to lie. It's OK to steal. It's OK to have premarital sex. It's OK to cheat or to kill if these things are part of your value system, and you have clarified these values for yourself. The important thing is not what values you choose, but that you have chosen them yourself freely and without coercion of parents, spouse, priest, friends, ministers or social pressure of any kind." It is such S.H. proponents in the government schools (the teachers) whom we can thank for re-molding the values of these next generations.
When the government national Child Care bill is passed it will be a great day for Humanists and proponents of World Peace. What wonders we can achieve once we have the attention of the nation's pre-schoolers for 6 to 9 hours a day! Look what we have already accomplished with the older age groups of America's youth.
As I hinted earlier, this new society, based on the deity of Man, will demand a new kind of Law Enforcer.
One of our educators said to me some weeks ago, "America's religious zealots of the past would be shocked at the changes the people have allowed." She was correct, for after all, it was James Madison that said, "We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future ...upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to sustain ourselves, according to the Ten Commandments of God."
Ah, but it is a new day, and we are fast proceeding into the 21st Century. Americans no longer wish to assume the responsibilities of governing themselves. Happily, for them, there is a whole new generation of very dedicated leaders and enforcers in government to see that they are cared for.

Let me address for a moment the question of Police manpower. As the citizens relinquish, out of fear, more of their rights, more Enforcers are required to regulate and supervise the people's activities so that they remain safe and peaceful. Who would have thought 100 years ago that the integration of fear of literally everything would have been the answer to establishing the New World Order? Credit for this innovation goes to the Free Thinkers of the last generation.
Now the older generation known as "Peace Officers", "Servants of the People", might not so readily have adopted, nor fit into, this new order of things. Fortunately, this has not posed too great a problem, due to the fact that they are rapidly being replaced through natural attrition, i.e. death or retirement. The next 7 or 8 years will see the last of them removed.
At the same time, police agencies are of necessity attempting more and more to screen out before hiring those prospective officers who believe in the old religious superstitions. This is wise because these zealots will not do the things that will be required of them under the new system. Those remaining police officers who openly profess a belief system steeped in old world Religious Fundamentalism, can be and are being phased out on any number of charges, such as can be substantiated over time or with the help of a little innovation on the part of new management.
Some of the "old time" officers complain that this type of job discrimination is "unconstitutional and immoral", but we know they are wrong. Under Situation Ethics all things are moral as long as they promote the goal. Therefore they are not being removed for any evil cause; they are incompatible and simply non-functional for the duties that will be required of them.

I feel I need to say again that if a professional police officer must lie against those who violate the Law, then it is moral. The same is true when government judges and attorneys withhold evidence and witnesses from the jury to win their cases. When a politician lies to win an office, or makes deals that promote the New Order, it is moral.
Let me tell you what is truly immoral. I will use the issuance of traffic violations as only one example. True immorality is when 5 out of 10 "good upstanding citizens" take the witness stand, swear an oath to their God, and then proceed to fabricate lies to get out of their tickets. This our Enforcement Officers witness daily in court. To them this is not only immoral but highly hypocritical.
The Enforcer's dishonesty helps society as a whole. If a government agent lied for personal reasons it would be immoral; if done for the betterment of mankind, it is not. And that is the most important lesson I bring you today. It is one thing when a leader, or agent of government has to lie or otherwise deceives his subjects. It is quite another when an ordinary individual from among the masses, "bites the hand that feeds him" by lying to those who are bringing salvation in this brave new world. Do we see this important difference?
The Old World understood that it was the greatest of sins to lie to or deceive God. The generations of devotees that wish to enter the New World must likewise be brought to the understanding that it is the greatest of sins to lie to or deceive their new God, Government. Any such disloyalty would surely hamper the progress of those engaged in ushering in the glorious New World Order.

We are not concerned with the few who may resist this New Order, for out of pragmatic necessity their fate has been amply allowed for in the Master Plan. What we are most concerned about at present is that the obedient masses be made to understand that it is detrimental to progress for them to suggest that their Supervisors wallow under the pressure and futility of the antiquated superstitions, morals and dogma of the past. There will be some difficult changes facing the person entering this New Society. On these issues, however, we can assure the people there will be no compromise.
Thank you for listening. May the blessing of the New Order come swiftly upon us. So Mote It Be.

EDITOR: This article was presented to Aide and Abet for publication by a long-time member of the Police profession. The writer has used a pen name ... because he does not wish to make himself known at this time...

It would be a rare officer reading the Chief's article who would not be mentally aroused by it. Whereas most of his ideas expressed are at variance to my own views, he nonetheless has raised a number of points I can agree with.
Several of these are:
1. The direction in which Law Enforcement and our Democratic Socialist government is rapidly heading - -- i.e., toward world government.
2. A cleverly deceived and slumbering Public truly is responsible for having traded its liberties for security.
3. It is brilliance (not stupidity or accident) that allows us to not solve the nation's crime problem.
4. There does exist an elaborate plan (developed behind the scenes by anti-God forces) that is directing our nation's slide into totalitarianism.
5. The true Christian Police officer who is still in the profession honestly will not fit in with the prevailing mores of the New World Order. He absolutely will not be able to commit the acts against fellow countrymen that will be required of him. Such officers are already being put to the test today.

One point on which I'll take issue with Chief Orpheus concerns the number of honest, dedicated, morally-sound lawmen still serving on the force today. However far downward the more sinister forces of change may have carried us thus far, I still believe that the percentages of "old- school", rock-solid, high-principled officers remaining is considerably higher than the Chief seems to suggest. I know, because I hear from many of the good ones here at Aide and Abet.

The Chief is correct that before the plan of the New World Order can take effect these officers will have to go. Their replacements are to be programed, anti-God, non- thinkers, (Humanistic!) who will do what they are told without any questions or hesitation. Many officers have witnessed that even today only the best followers get promoted. Therefore many currently in Police Management are defenders of the System and are no longer on the side of the People.

These remaining good officers -- who exactly are they? Some are now well-informed Patriots who are working with us to educate their fellow officers, attempting to return them to true service of the People.

Then there is that quite larger group, also fiercely patriotic and dedicated to serve. These latter, however (usually through no fault of their own) have in varying degrees been misled and deceived by those from whom they received their education and training. Whether by design or default, they have been deprived of a correct understanding of their proper role of service in society; likewise they have been largely kept in the dark as to who the real enemy of our nation is.

Thirty-five percent of these good officers are Viet Nam War Vets. Some are National Guardsmen and Reservists who served in the recent war against Iraq. They are worth saving, for they love America with a vengeance, just as does the retired Vet and Cop putting out this publication. There are a million-plus brave, dedicated Street Soldiers out there that are supposed to belong to "We the People".
My job, with the help of many police colleagues and private sector Patriots, is to win them back to our side.
It looks certain we are going to need them in the days ahead.

EDITOR, Midnight Messenger: It is apparent to anyone acquainted with the various buzz words used in secret societies that the writer of the above article is a high level Mason.

Through his use of the words "morals and dogma" and the phrase "so mote it be," this Police Chief is sending a message to those readers who may also be members of the secret orders. His message? "What I have just told you is the way it really is. This is exactly what we are going to do."

Orpheus, the pseudonym used by the Police Chief, is also of interest. "Orpheus: in mythology, a bard of Thrace who evoked such magic strains from his lyre as caused beasts and birds to follow him and trees and rocks to move" (Websters New World Dictionary). Orphism: "The system of mystic philosophy embodied in the Orphic poem, and taught to the initiated in the Orphic mysteries" (The Oxford Universal Dictionary). Need we say any more? End of Quote.